
2024/09/19 Forward Exchange Rate

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  1. The Information provided here is only for your reference, and does not represent any real price in transactions.
  2. Real prices in net bank are according to the display prices at that time in transaction.
  3. Real prices at the banking counter are according to our quote prices at that time in transaction.
  4. Interest is calculated based on the interest rate announced by the Bank, if the tenor of the deposit differs from what is announced by the bank, interest shall be calculated based on the rate from the lower and the closest tenor. Contact with the counter if negotiated rate might be applied.

Quoted Date: 2024/09/19 15:00

New Zealand Dollar
Buying Selling
Forward- 10 Days 19.794 20.002
Forward- 30 Days 19.743 19.967
Forward- 60 Days 19.676 19.903
Forward- 90 Days 19.619 19.844
Forward- 120 Days 19.564 19.796
Forward- 150 Days 19.509 19.748
Forward- 180 Days 19.454 19.7