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Prices of Gold Passbook in terms of Foreign Currencies Renew quotation Web Bank

Quoted Time:2025/02/06 15:15
Commodity/Specification Quoted in TWD / pc
1 g
Gold Passbook Selling 3035
Buying 2999
Commodity/Specification Quoted in TWD / pc
1 kg 500 g 250 g 100 g
Selling 3049776 1526668 764225 306332
The amount payable for taking delivery of the gold items from Gold Passbook. 14776 9168 5475 2832
Commodity/Specification Quoted in TWD / pc
1 Tael
Selling 115326
Buying 112463
The amount payable for taking delivery of the gold items from Gold Passbook. 1514

Commodity/Specification Quoted in TWD / pc
1 oz 1/2 oz 1/4 oz 1/10 oz 1/20 oz One Set 1 kg 10 oz 2 oz
Selling 101216 51851 26793 10978 6348 197186 - - -
Buying 93269 46634 23317 9327 4663 177210 - - -
The amount payable for taking delivery of the gold items from Gold Passbook. 6828 - - 1539 - - - - -
Canadian Maple Leaf Gold Bullion Coin Selling 101216 51851 26793 10978 6348 197186 - - -
Buying 93269 46634 23317 9327 4663 177210 - - -
Selling 101216 51851 26793 10978 - 190838 - - -
Buying 93269 46634 23317 9327 - 172547 - - -
The amount payable for taking delivery of the gold items from Gold Passbook. 6828 - - 1539 - - - - -
Selling 101216 51851 26793 10978 - 190838 - - -
Buying 93269 46634 23317 9327 - 172547 - - -
Australian Kangaroo Large Gold Bullion Coin Selling - - - - - - 3113979 - -
Buying - - - - - - - - -
American Eagle、South African Krugerrand and UK Britannia Gold Bullion Coins Selling - - - - - - - - -
Buying 93269 46634 23317 9327 - 172547 - - -
Australian Koala Platinum Bullion Coin Selling - - - - - - - - -
Buying 32024 16012 8006 3202 1601 60845 - - -
Commodity/Specification Quoted in TWD / pc
Dragon 100 g
Selling 6888
Commodity/Specification Quoted in TWD / pc
1 kg 10 oz 2 oz 1 oz 1/2 oz
Australian Kookaburra Silver Coin Selling 46956 - - 1848 -
Australian Lunar Silver Coin Selling 47355 - 3801 2100 1155
Australian Koala Silver Coin Selling 46956 - - 1848 -
Commodity/Specification Quoted in TWD / pc
1 kg 500 g 250 g 100 g 5 Tael 1 Tael
Purchase Order Buying 2999000 1499500 749750 299900 562283 112463

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